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Can You Ride a Motorcycle Every Day? (Pros and Cons)

Riding a motorcycle is a great way to meditate and wind down after a long day. It is an excellent way to feel free in a world that imposes a lot of limitations. But let’s not forget that motorcycles are also an effective means of transportation. So is it a good idea to ride your motorcycle every day?

You can ride a motorcycle every day. Motorcycles can be used for commuting every day and being a daily driver, especially if you do not have another vehicle. However, the weather, motorcycle configuration, and length of the distance you travel may impact your ability to ride your motorcycle every day.

There is a lot to consider if you intend to use your motorcycles on a daily basis. This is why, in this article, I cover in detail all the different pros and cons and implications of riding your motorcycle every day.

A person riding a motorcycle.

Can a motorcycle be used every day?

Motorcycles can be used every day. However, and it is a big one, the weather conditions, road conditions, and what you will need your motorcycle for will have a huge say if this is going to be a good idea.

Below I go into more detail about what difficulties the different weather can pose.

High temperatures

Riding a motorcycle during the warmer months of the year is very straightforward.

The problems start if there is a lot of rain, snow, and ice in your area. But if the temperatures get really high in your area, you may need to consider a cooling vest or a mesh jacket, perforated pants, a vented helmet, and a water bladder. If the temperatures in your area go really high (90 to 110°F), this can be extremely uncomfortable. Usually, riders will try to go a little faster (at least 50 mph) and avoid traffic lights and direct sunlight as much as possible.


Rain will not damage your motorcycle more than it damages a car. Usually, all the wiring, electrical components, and other aspects of your motorcycle are adequately protected from the rain. Leaving your motorcycle out in the rain is an entirely different matter and should, generally speaking, be avoided.

When it rains, you can get very wet if you do not have good waterproof gear. And even with waterproof gear, if you will be riding in the rain, it is advisable to bring spare clothes with you.

See article: Will rain damage a motorcycle?


Strong winds can also be a problem. It depends on where the wind is coming from, and how heavy is your motorcycle, but generally speaking, winds speeds of 20 to 50 mph are usually too much and considered dangerous.

See article: How much wind is too much for a motorcycle?

Cold temperatures, snow, and ice

Snow is another problem. Riding a motorcycle in the snow, day in and day out is no fun and very dangerous. Maybe riding a motorcycle just before it starts snowing for the first time can be considered relatively safe. However, if there is already snow that you can see on the ground, it is usually a no-go.

When temperatures get below freezing, the tires will harden and behave a lot differently. This also means that they can easily slip, and you can lose traction and control over the motorcycle.

During the winter, if you will be riding your motorcycle often, you will need different warmer gear to keep you warm while riding. The majority of riders will usually draw the line when the temperatures reach 55°F to 32°F.

The salt on the roads can also be very detrimental to your motorcycle, and you will have to clean it regularly to prevent any damage from the salt and dirt build-up.

More information can be found in my article about how often you need to clean your motorcycle.

If there is ice, things can get even worse. You can easily lose traction and control over the bike and fall or crash.

The rain and snow will both affect your stopping distance; however, ice will affect it even more.

If the ground temperature is above freezing, the odds of having an incident are lower, but once the temperatures get below freezing, it is not recommended to ride your motorcycle.

Especially dangerous can be overpasses and bridges which could prove even more dangerous. You will have to exercise extra caution to avoid any water patches, salt, and sand. You will have to ride super slowly, which can be especially dangerous if you need to go on a highway, you will be passed often, and this is risky. You will have to avoid trail braking and leaning as much as possible. Corner speed should also be very low.

The snow and rain will also reduce your visibility as it coats your visor.

You may even need to stop every now and then to warm up. (Frostbites happen really fast if you do not have the appropriate gear.)

Overall, riding your motorcycle in the winter is doable but riskier and will take you more time to reach your destination.

Can a motorcycle be used as an only vehicle?

A motorcycle can be used as an only vehicle. Depending on the weather conditions, the motorcycle’s configuration, and the length of the distances you travel, a motorcycle can be suitable for an only vehicle. However, motorcycles cannot carry many things in which case a car may be more suitable.

Although motorcycles can be used in almost all weather conditions, there are a few disadvantages if they will be used as an only vehicle.

One of the problems is that the weather will be posing a lot of problems—especially if the temperatures tend to go very low in your area. If there is a lot of snow and ice on the road, this makes riding your motorcycles a lot more dangerous.

But not all of you will have to worry about snow in which case the biggest problems you may face are in terms of whether you need to pack a lot of things on your motorcycle and how long of a distance you need to ride every day.

You will have to consider all the limitations in terms of storage and the fact that you may not be able to change clothes, and you will be in the condition you came off your bike. This means that you may be super wet if it has rained or may not be able to pack all the things you need to buy from a store. In this case, a car will always be more convenient.

Can a motorcycle be used for commuting?

A motorcycle can be used for commuting. Depending on the year-round weather, the condition of your motorcycle, and how well-maintained it is, a motorcycle is an excellent commuter vehicle. Commuting on a motorcycle is a practical, reliable, fast, and budget-friendly way to travel to and fro your work.

A person with a suit using a motorcycle for commuting.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau data, the average one-way commute time is 26.1 minutes, with the average distance being approximately 15 miles, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

However, these numbers can vary a lot; there are people whose commutes are a lot shorter and take less time while others may need to drive more than 50 miles in one direction.

In any way, motorcycles are perfectly capable of covering such distances on an everyday basis. The majority of riders can easily cover about 200 miles in a single trip without that putting too much strain on them, which is way below the distance most of the people will need to commute.

However, commuting on a motorcycle is usually best if your traveling distance is relatively close to you. If your commute is about 10 to 20 minutes, then a motorcycle may be a good idea as you will not have the chance to get really warm during the summer or too cold during the colder months.

During the summer, you may end up swearing a lot, which may be a problem if you need to present a certain look and wear certain clothes in your workplace. And you may need to bring spare clothes to change once you arrive at your workplace.

Also, riding a motorcycle can be very tiring, and you may end up being very fatigued by the time you reach your workplace.

If your area is prone to snowing, and if there is a lot of ice forming regularly, you may not be able to use your motorcycle for commuting simply because it may be too dangerous.

Another problem when using a motorcycle for commuting is that you may not have a suitable parking space that will protect your motorcycle from the elements. Although leaving your motorcycle outside may not be particularly bad for it in general.

Doing so long-term all year long can take its toll on it. Rust, dirt accumulation, increased wear and tear, and paint fading can be some of the consequences.

See article: Is it OK to leave a motorcycle outside?

In any case, motorcycles have some distinct advantages over a car when used for commuting. Motorcycles are usually cheaper—often burning a lot less fuel than a car would—and are often not affected by the hold-ups and traffic jams.

Can a motorcycle be a daily driver?

A motorcycle can be used as a daily driver. However, a motorcycle may not be a good daily driver depending on what you need it for and the weather conditions in your area. As daily drivers, motorcycles are cheaper and faster, but they are not good at packing on a lot of stuff.

A person using a motorcycle to carry a sofa

As you can see, you will have to consider what you will be using your motorcycle for. 

A motorcycle can take you anywhere a car can and then some.

But, if you have to pack on and carry many things, a motorcycle may not be a good idea. In many cases, if you need to carry a bunch of stuff, a car will be a better daily driver.

Will riding a motorcycle every day make you a better rider?

If you want to get good at anything, you need to put in some good practice daily and be consistent with it.

This is why riding your motorcycle every day will definitely help you in honing your skills and technique.

You will develop a better understanding of how moving on two wheels works and improve your reaction timing and ability to stay focused and aware of your surroundings.

For more information on how long it takes to get good at riding a motorcycle, you can read my article here.

Is riding your motorcycle every day good for the motorcycle?

Riding a motorcycle every day will not break it or damage it.

Arguably the motorcycle and its parts and components may wear out faster simply because they will be used more, but everyday use may also be beneficial if anything in the long run.

In reality, not riding your motorcycle often may be worse. If not properly stored, motorcycles that have been left sitting for long periods of time are more likely to wear out, rust, and break.

For more information, you can check my article about how long you can leave a motorcycle sitting.

Is riding your motorcycle every day bad for you?

Although there are many benefits to riding a motorcycle every day, there are also some notable side effects. Those are worth considering before deciding to use your motorcycle day in, day out.

For more information, you can check my article on how often you should ride your motorcycle.

Higher Risk of Incidents

It is no secret to anyone. Riding a motorcycle is considered to be a lot less safe than driving a car.

Motorcycles are not as crashworthy as cars; they are harder to see, more affected by the elements, less secure, and harder to see.

This should come as no surprise that according to some of the statistics, the risk of a fatal incident for every mile traveled with a motorcycle, compared to a car driver is 35 times higher.

Lower Back Pain

People who ride their motorcycles every day, especially if they do it for long periods of time, can suffer from lower back pain. This is usually caused by a combination of improper riding position, vibrations, and extended periods of riding.

Erectile Dysfunction

People who ride every day or for long periods of time may have a higher chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction. The main reason this happens is the prolonged exposure to the strong vibrations and wrong riding position, which puts too much pressure on the pelvic area, restricting the blood flow.

In fact, some data suggests that even riding a motorcycle as little as three hours every weekend can cause erectile dysfunction and problems emptying one’s bladders.

Hair Loss

Although there is no medical proof directly connecting helmet use with hair loss, there are some ways in which a helmet can indirectly cause hair loss.

Wearing a helmet for long periods of time can cause hygiene issues. The combination of dead skin cells, sweat, natural skin oils, and dirty helmets can lead to dandruff and skin irritation, causing hair fall.

The constant traction between the helmet and your hair can also weaken and cause your hair to fall with time—something known as traction alopecia. (This effect can be even worse if your helmet is not a good fit.)


One of the side effects of riding a motorcycle is tinnitus. Tinnitus is the perception of sound where there is none. Often people describe it as a constant ringing or buzzing noise. Tinnitus is not exactly a condition but rather a side effect from hearing loss

Oftentimes the culprit is the wind noise. Although other

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Riding your motorcycle every day, especially for long distances, and depending on the type of your everyday activities and job can easily cause the tendons in your wrist to get inflamed by the repetitive tasks.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the potential side effects of riding a motorcycle every day. This happens when the median nerve in your hand gets inflamed. The symptoms are usually a tingling sensation in your fingers, weakness, and numbness of your hand. This condition can get very serious to the point where you may not be able to even operate or hold the handle of your motorcycle.

This is also known as repetitive strain injury (RSI). The vibrations also play a role in increasing the chance of developing an RSI.

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